Monday, April 29, 2013

KC Draft Pick

The Kansas City daft pick is finally complete. Kansas City now has eight new players.This includes Eric Fisher,Travis Kelce, Knile Davis, Nico Johnson, Sanders Commings, Eric Kush, Branden Wilson, and Mike Catapano. Out of the whole pick Eric Fisher was their greatest advantage . News has said that Eric Kush has had previous communication with the Chiefs. Hopefully with these new players everyone at home will notice a difference in the team.So basically its up to Eric Fisher!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013


OK so this bombing situation is really bad. If you think about it too long its kinda scary. I feel really sorry for the people got hurt and their families.The scariest part of it is that their is still one guy loose. There was three people dead and like a hundred and something injured. The funny thing is, well there's not really a funny part,  but most terrorists commit suicide but these two brothers didn't so that meant that they were planning to plant more bombs somewhere. In the surrounding area they have told people to stay home and they even closed down the schools. One brother died when he got shot. Here's a picture of the guy that's still out there so if you see him call someone!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

NCAA Champions

This incredible team has been through a lot and they just earned what they deserved. I was kinda surprised by the win because I knew Michigan was doing so well also. I guess I thought wrong. I can only imagine what Kevin Ware was thinking the minute he found out that his team had won the national championship. This team has encouraged me to keep proceeding with my basketball playing time. I don't think I'm good enough to be in the big league but I can keep trying. Look at these guys' face!!!



Friday, April 5, 2013

Duke vs. Louisville

During the NCAA tournament, Kevin Ware was taken off the court during the first half because of a major injury. All of his teammates were devastated by the sight of their teammate's leg. Ware was taken to a nearby Memorial Hospital where he got surgery later that day. The bone was sticking six inches out of his leg and all he was saying was win the game. His teammates were really inspired by their friend and ended up winning 85-63. look at this video and make sure you keep a close eye on his leg.